Here is my haul from my Way-Too-Short one hour run through Mary Jo's in Gastonia on Friday afternoon:
I collect black and white fabrics, and got all these FQ's for 99 cents each. I love the little chairs!
I stocked up on some needles for DSM and for burying knots (chenille needles- big eyes!)
Some possibilities for a future mountain landscape quilt. Ashe County, the location of our little cabin, is probably where your Christmas tree comes from if you are in the USA! My husband thought the fabric on the right depicts a certain illegal plant. I was thinking of the laurel leaves...

And here is a neat picture of a much smaller bird who visited the pots of petunias on the back deck Sunday morning.
I also got a whole bolt of muslin, two 18-inch pillow forms for the pillow tops in Lily's room, a huge remnant of Timtex interfacing for fabric post cards, some Silicone spray, fabric detergent, and Synthrapol. When I go to MJ's I usually look for backing fabric, since they have quilt shop quality fabric at only $5.79 yard. But I couldn't find exactly what I wanted in the short time I was allotted on this trip. Good news- they will soon have a shopping website available! You can mail order now if you know the fabric you want. If you go to the Mary Jo's website, you can sign up for e-mail notification of when the new site goes live.
From Gastonia we drove west for another hour and had a wonderful visit with my husband's relatives. His two brothers and his sister all live in western NC or SC, and they all made it to the pool party on Saturday. Usually this event signals the onslaught of thunderstorms and unseasonal frigid temperatures, but we were pretty safe this year since it has only rained about twice all summer and has been HOT every day.
We were amused by nephew Chris's school project, a tom turkey he has raised from a chick and will display at the NC State Fair next month. They call him Baby "T," and he was walking around the driveway when we arrived. I was reminded somewhat of Big Bird on Sesame Street. I am afraid he has become a family pet instead of a future Thanksgiving meal.
And here is a neat picture of a much smaller bird who visited the pots of petunias on the back deck Sunday morning.
1 comment:
That's an awesome hummingbird photo! You were very good at Mary Jo's. I'm glad to hear that they will have a web site. Those B&W FQs are really nice - the chairs are very cool! I am using the one with the circles and dots in a quilt that I am making now!
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