Our other son, Dave, and his wife have been real troopers after their apartment building burned down. They have found a new place to live in the same apartment complex, and are awaiting word from the insurance company about the settlement on the rest of their possessions. They have gotten most of their clothes cleaned and both are back at work. I continue to thank God that they were able to escape the fire.
While we were in Laurel Springs, Miranda and I took off for a few hours to visit a Quilt Fair in West Jefferson, NC, presented by the Ashe County Piecemakers Quilt Guild. It was held in beautiful Jefferson Station, which the county artists have decorated with fantastic paintings, murals, ceramic art, you name it. Here are a few pictures:
These are two pieces of artwork from Jefferson Station. Most of the featured art has a mountain theme.
The quilt fair was Viewers' Choice. They did not even have the names of the quiltmaker or machine quilter on the label, so I cannot give credit. This was an interesting experience for me, since I had never voted on quilts in every category at a show. Usually there is only one Viewer's Choice. Next weekend my Carolina Machine Quilters Guild is having a show with the same type of
voting, but I think they are having a program and labels with the quilters' names and statements.
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