In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, but this middle-aged quilter thinks of getting outside and enjoying the beautiful warm weather with family and friends. That's right, no quilting for over a week- but who can stay inside when the weather is in the 80's and it's still March! "Sorry about that" for those of you in more northern latitudes, but one of the advantages to living in the south is an early spring. It kind of makes up for our miserable, long, hot, humid summers--- but I love this time of year. My favorite season---at least until October, when the weather cools again. The dogwoods and azaleas are not in bloom as yet, but the flowering pears and cherries, all the flowering bulbs, and lots more garden beauties are in their glory. When we moved into our house thirteen years ago, the front yard was bare soil with not one thing green. It makes me proud to see our line of Japanese Yoshino cherries and all our pretty blooming plants. This weekend our son Bryson is here with our three-year old grandson Avery. Three of his friends from Virginia are here as well, and tonight we will be joined by our other son Dave and wife Emily. How nice when we can sit out in the yard and enjoy the deck, cook out, and let Avery play in the yard. I hope the weather will not turn cold again, but we are enjoying it while it lasts!
And, since Lily still has bronchitis and did not get to come to Wake Forest this time, here are some pictures of her from last weekend. She is nine months old and cute as a button:
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