Let's celebrate with some fabrics that will evoke memories of summer days, garden flowers, anything but winter! If you are like me, you are ready for this mess to be over. It snowed again last night, for Pete's sake!
When I was at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival last weekend, I liked the bundles with three-half yards of fabric that are packaged into peaks like little castles. They only had two like that in bright floral fabrics, so I put together three fabrics from my stash for a third prize package. Notice, my package is rectangular, since apparently I am not gifted in fabric folding. And when I send them out to the winners, they will also be folded flat for mailing purposes.
So, if you would like to receive one of these fabric bundles, just leave a comment after this post. No, you do not need to "follow" my blog, put a badge on your sidebar, or friend me on Facebook. Just be sure that you leave your e-mail address so I can contact you in case you win.
Good luck, and thank you so much for visiting All Things Quilty!
The random drawing will be one week from today, on March 10.
Would love to win one of the bundled pretties. How fun to attend a quilt festival. I live too far out to be near to anything like that although the area guild will have a quilt show every couple of years.
You guys are getting all the snow we SHOULD have gotten all this winter! Northern Maine NEEDS snow, and we've had a trifle all winter :(
Hi Jeanne, Congratulations on reaching three years! Ros
Congratulations on your blogiversary Jeanne! I would love to win one of those bundles, but I'll still visit if I don't...
Congratulations on your 3 year Blogiversary. And, for having such a delightful blog. Such fun to celebrate, and to have a giveaway. Please count me in! I love your fabrics!
Winter won't be over here in Alaska for awhile still! Congratulations on three years!
Happy Blogiversary and congratulations on three years of blogging :-) I always enjoy your blog. Thanks for such a sweet Springy giveaway.
Congratulations! I have been following your blog for about 2 years now and have loved seeing all your lovely work.
Felicitaciones amiga por tantos aƱos de blogger. Me encantaria y no sabe cuanto contar con uno de esos regalos, espero que la mano de la fortuna se incline esta vez hacia mi nombre.Mi mail, quilteranqn arroba hotmail.com
Un abrazo
Congrat's on your blogiversary! 3 years is great! Thank you for the fun giveaway!
Thanks for a fun give away and happy anniversay
Congratulations on your three year anniversary. I just found your blog today. How lucky for me....hope it will be! Would love to win one of your bundles. Thanks! Joyce
joycee2561 at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on your three year anniversary. I'm just starting my stash so this would be a great start.
Congratulations on your 3rd. anniversary! Thank you for having a give away, the fabrics are lovely and truly spring time like, which all of could use more of right now! Sharon.
Such pretty florals. I do hope I might win one of them. Congratulations on blogging for 3 years!
Happy Blogiversary...I would love to win the bundles...I do enjoy your blog...
I would love to win these! So pretty!
The picture of these fabrics drew my attention immediately. Love them, love your blog, and love that you are busily creating beautiful quilty things! What wonderful treasures. You are so creative!
congrats on three years!! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
joanne lendaro @ yahoo . com
Hi Jeanne, I just want to add my congratulations.. No need to add me to the drawing.. I think I have enough fabric for a while, LOL.
Just want to add my congratulations as well, and 600 posts, wow, you have been busy.
Love looking at what you do. Keep up your good work.
Congratulations on your three year anniversary.!
Great giveaway :)
Wow! Three years! What a milestone. Congrats!
Great giveaway, thanks!
congrats on 3 years I have enjoyed reading your blog and would love to win the fabric bundle.
Congratz on your three years! I would love to be entered to win the fabric. It is gorgeous!
Happy Quilting!
What pretty fabrics. Aren't quilt shows wonderful? I love to see hat others have done and then of course, there is the shopping. Love these fabrics. They would certainly fit in my stash!
You are so right, I just love the spring time looking fabric, can't wait to see flowers in the spring, can it really be just around the corner.
Congratulations on 3 years!! I'd love to win the fabrics, too.
Hapy 3rd Anniversary. The fabrics are very pretty. Thanks for the giveaway.
Beautiful fabric and a great giveaway. Congtratulations on 3 years.
From one teacher to another, Congratulations on three years of blogging. Thanks for the sweet giveaway, and I'll be dropping in again. Lovely blog, Jeanne!
Congratulations on 3 years! The cheery fabrics look especially desirable on this gray day.
Congratulations on the third anniversary of your blogging journey! Isn't it just a whole new world?
Happy blogiversay, Jeanne! Beautiful combinations of fabric, who cares how it's folded, LOL. Thanks for counting me in.
Congratulations on your 3rd blogging anniversary! I would love to enter your very generous give away.
Congratulations on your 3 year blogoversary!
Those are lovely florals I would delighted if I won some.
Happy 3 year anniversary! The fabric bundles are great! I'm moving to Hawaii in 3 months and those look perfect for something new to put in the new house.
Beautiful florals are certainly something I could use in my stash. With spring approaching I've been rummaging through looking for some flowery prints - and I really don't have any. These are gorgeous - please throw my name in!
congrats on your blogiversary! i wish i could have gone to the show this year, i loved donating to the vendors as you do!
Would love to win a bundle of spring. This has been a long hard winter and flower and bright colors would really help. Happy Blogiversary.
Joanne Smisko
I too am ready for spring! During one of my recent bouts of snow-shoveling I discovered I had daffodils poking up out of the ground...of course now they're piled over with snow!
Congrats on your blogiversary! I am a new quilter and never attended any quilt shows. I just joined a local sewing quild.. and cant wait to learn more! Looking forward to my first quilt show!
Congratulations on your blogiversary!
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
Congratulations and thank YOU--we are lucky to have you share so much.
I love quilting as well, and for BLOGGING, its new to me as of last summer and it has been wonderful resource that I too, never knew exsisted. thanks for the giveaway!
Congratulations on your 3 year blogiversary. I'd like to enter if you're taking international entries.
Congratulations on three years. Such beautiful fabrics. They really do say Spring!
Hi Jeanne,
Congratulations on your 3 Yr. Blogiversary!
Thank you for your give-away and letting us all celebrate along with you!
Cheers - MAC
Congratulations and thanks for the chance for the generous giveaway!
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. Don't those fabrics make you "Think Spring"!!
Ooooooooo. Florals! Love me some florals. :-)
Hi Jeanne
Love your site. The folded fabric looks a lot like a way we used to fold napkins for special holiday dinners.
Doris djknoy@aol.com
Congratulations on your "blogiversary" and what lovely bundles of fabric you're gifting some lucky folks! I love that green peeking from behind the middle bundle...beautiful!
Congratulations on your three year blogiversary! Love your blog...nice to see some local quilty activity online! Hopefully Spring is just around the corner!
Now next year it would be such fun to arrange a meet up at the Festival!!! I have not been, as I am trying not to spend money for a bit and use up my stash!! the only way to not spend is to STAY AWAY!!!!It seems that so many of my more local blogging friends attend so the draw would be so much stronger!!!!!Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments that you have left at my blog of late!I would love to be added to you drawing- our huge piles of snow are finally starting to melt and the bare ground actually looks a bit foreign!! what a winter and these wonderful fabrics do tell of better times to come!!!
Big Hugs!
Congratulations on your Blogiversary - DWH and I also visited that booth at the show and really loved her displays. I would love to win your give away. How beautiful and generous of you. Judy C in NC
Enjoy reading at your blog and congrats on 3 years.
What a wonderful present for one of your followers! I did not get to go to the show this year--big tears---! So I really appreciate any postings! Thanks and have a great day. Congratulation on your Big Three!
Love the fabric -- hope I win. Congrats on 3 yrs.
Congratulations Jeanne! You are ahead of me :-)
3 Years! That is very exciting. I just started blogging last week, so I will be celebrating my 3 year blogiversary in 2013! Congrats :)
Congratulations on 3 years. It takes perseverance to be able to consistantly post blogs!
The flower pictures are great! I hadn't noticed things blooming till you pointed it out!
congratulations! please enter me in the draw for the lovely fabric!
wow it's beautiful!!!!! sorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
Hi Jeanne, I am fairly new to quilting & blog land. I started reading quilt blogs late last year and came across your blog about a week ago. I think your fabric give away is a very generous way to celebrate your three-year blogiversary! But hey I'm game if you are lol. Thank you, Sarah J at sllj40@yahoo.com
Congratulations on your blogversary, and what a wonderful thing to do to celebrate.
I must check and see the s tatus of my blog too.
I love fabric and I sure love these! I would love to win them,,,,thanks for including me in your drawing and congratulations on Three years!!! we must have started blogging about the same time......Melinda
Congrates on your three years blogiversary! The fabrics are beautiful! I would love for a chance to win.
Enjoy your blog.
Luann Stemler
Congratulations on your blogiversary! What dedication. I'm a brand new quilter and would love to be counted in on your giveaway!
Congrats and Thanks so much for the great giveaway
Congrats on three years. I loved the blog about Lewis and Clark. I'm in Nebraska on the Missouri River and we are all about Lewis and Clark they had a fishing camp here. Sgt. Floyd died here and was the first white man to die west of the Mississippi ! ! I have no idea how I know all that, but I do ! ! Congrats again
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