Today was a special day..."Coming Home Day" for my round robin quilt project that began more than a year ago. Look what happened to my humble little center posies! I could not have imagined anything more charming, innovative, colorful, or perfect. Everyone says this quilt "looks like me!" It helps to work with a group that has been together for ten years. Let me first of all thank the ladies who participated in this project. You are all Shining Stars of the Quilt World in my opinion!
Alice used the software program Electric Quilt to design the triangle border. A fortunate choice, because it was repeated twice more in Holly's and Janice's narrow borders. And it made the white applique border zig zag! How cool is that!
Jenny framed the center medallion with even more log cabin blocks than I made, and then appliqued the yellow curved pieces. A fabulous decision which brought out the white background and added new design elements. Lots and lots of stitches!
Mary must be some kind of quilting engineer to have figured out the gorgeous strippy border with the yellow squares as a perfect accent. So many seams! She brought the rich colors back out from the center, which Holly continued in her round.
I have always wanted a quilt with a floral applique border, and was secretly hoping that someone would do that for this quilt. Bless her heart, Tess not only appliqued these fabulous flowers, leaves, and stems...she created crazy-patch squares to form the background! She thought that would more closely match the log cabin backgrounds of the first applique. She now rises to the official ranks of Over-Achievers in this group. Thank you, Tess!
Michelle was responsible for the embellishment round. She is becoming quite a mixed-media artist, using paints and fibers of all sorts in her gorgeous pieces. (See her blog.) She added beads to the applique flowers and leaves, and also added stunning silk ribbon embroidery to the curved areas in Jenny's row. And- she left plenty of room for me to machine quilt around it!
Finally, Janice added more luscious deep color to the final triangle border, and a narrow purple outer border to stabilize the edges. Perfect finish to a perfect project! Can you tell I am thrilled?
If you would like to see the other quilts in this round robin, please visit Holly Sweet's Webshots album. She has included all the centers and the finished quilt tops. I am so proud to be part of this group of quilt artists.
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