I like to make all kinds of quilts, from postcard to king-size. I have a Gammill longarm quilting machine, several domestic sewing machines, and also work with a Babylock Embellishing machine. In the past few years, I have tried my hand at painting with watercolors and art journaling. I also throw in a little nature photography and the occasional travel or grandchild pictures. Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Does this look familiar?
Unfortunately, Jeanne does not offer much in the way of advice as you would expect from an "artist"; however, she is an extremely good hair cutter.
Unfortunately, Jeanne can't quite figure it out--she's aided in her impossible task by the crystal skull . . . now a talking crystal skull, which, of course, speaks only to her.
Unfortunately, Jeanne is there at the same time!
Unfortunately, Jeanne's small artistic achievements are undermined by its polemics. (What does that mean?)
Unfortunately, Jeanne is too late to stop the English from destroying her home village, and with the help of two of her childhood friends she sets out on a journey to drive the English out and save France.
Unfortunately, Jeanne's mother cannot leave her alone, and circumstances contrive to make her run away from the house -- leaving her relationship in limbo, at least for the time being.
Unfortunately, Jeanne passed away in March of 1993 after a long illness, at the age of 58. (Hey, I am 58!)
Unfortunately, Jeanne was inexperienced and impressionable.
Unfortunately, Jeanne lost.
Unfortunately Jeanne still dies.
Unfortunately, Jeanne and David have moved to Houston.
Unfortunately, Jeanne was doomed to isolation, because everyone was afraid of her.
Unfortunately, Jeanne, it is you who knows so little.
Okay, an exercise in humility! I was going to head upstairs to make some art, but my talking crystal skull says, just go cut someone's hair!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
On Mermaids

"Bar Mermaid" was on the screen of her cell phone, which she left at my house after a visit one time, so I used that as the theme. This quilt was so much fun to make. Lots of embellishment, buttons, shiny quilting with sparkly threads on the tail and fins...
and I think she liked it!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Come On, Spring!
This is kind of a strange angle because these little guys are only about three inches tall. I don't remember planting any bulbs for that size, but I think I may have bought a pot of them in bloom at the grocery store and then stuck the whole plant in the garden when the flowers died back. They are very cute! The taller ones have buds, but no blooms yet.
And here is the pink camellia that was blooming back before the snows in January. It is trying to bloom again. Most of the buds have a little brown on them, so I hope they are not all spoiled.
Today was my first day of working with students at my new job. It went pretty well. It is amazing how much less tiring it is to just work half a day. I like it!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Fabric Salad
Friday, February 20, 2009
Road to California Winners
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Catching Up
Anyway, here is a wrap-up of our trip to the mountains last weekend. Last Friday, Charlie and I spent the whole day in West Jefferson and Boone. One of the first things we noticed on our drive was a new Quilt Barn at the N.C.Mountain Research farm near our home.
Charlie paid some client visits, we ate lunch with my brother John in Boone, and then we spent a couple of hours with my father at his apartment in a retirement community. He needed help with a few things on his computer. Before I left, he had a shortcut to my blog on his desktop, and we got him into Facebook! It looks like he is having fun with that already.
And here is my Valentine, which is a watercolor painting of our house here in Wake Forest. He did it during a craft night at the retirement center. I can just see all of those elderly ladies cutting out doilies and pink foil hearts, and my father producing this beautiful painting! (He is a retired commercial artist.)
It is actually 3-D. The house sticks out from the background because of a bit of foam core behind it. You know I love this picture!
Then we followed the logging trails around and spent a long time hiking along the creek. It was absolutely gorgeous.
Here are Charlie and Ricky (and Maggy) on one of the big rocks near the creek, probably picturing themselves bow-hunting there next fall. Mary and I were wowed by the scenic locations and were picturing picnics with the grandkids.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Galveston Sunset
I had a short turn-around time on this one, but once I decided on my method, it came together quickly. After several unsuccessful attempts to layer or paint fabric, I decided to build the backgrounds using my Babylock Embellisher. I had some beautiful hand-dyes that I used for the sky, strip of land, and water. I needle-punched these to a batting background, and then started layering various sheer and shiny fabrics and fibers on top.
The reflections in the water also include some Angelina and Tinzl for sparkle.
I painted the dog and pier with a combination of Tsukineko inks, colored pencils, and fabric markers. I wanted a little texture on the planks of the pier, so I cut up some gray knit gloves and stitched them down, and covered the whole dock with black tulle.
Because of the time constraints, I combined machine applique with machine-quilting. I used some shiny rayon threads that really add some gleam. For the back, I also used some hand-dyed fabric that resembles sea and sky. Most of the bobbin threads blend with the backing fabric, but the black outlines show up nicely for some "back art."
I started my new job yesterday, and was delighted to find that I am sharing my classroom with the same teacher as last year. She is also retired and about my age. We also have a lovely younger teacher who is joining us this year. We have already gotten the classroom set up in just half a day. Soon we will meet the kids who will be our students, but I am not sure when we actually begin having classes.
I have lots and lots of mountains pics and adventures to blog about, plus a nice hand-painted card from a special artistic Valentine to share next time.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wednesday WIP-Pamela Allen Class Updates
So, then I tried removing the background view from the window (Poof!) and just allowing the window to be a light space. I liked that better, but did not really have a good feeling about the upper part of this piece.
And, today I also got a good start on the commissioned piece for my sister's church. I will try to get it ready for stitching by tomorrow when we leave for a long weekend in the mountains. It has to be in Greensboro by a week from Saturday, so I have to make some quick decisions. And I am happy to say, I am more confident in planning this composition with all the art quilts that have been submitted and critiqued by members of this class.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Feeling the Love

This is the featured photo. I have no idea how these "Members Choice" albums or photographs are selected. I have been chosen for Members Choice three or four times now. I think it has something to do with the number of photographs you have stored on Webshots, or perhaps the number of times they are viewed. My most viewed album is my Round Robin album, which shows the growth of each participant's quilt from their center block to the completed top. It has been viewed almost 25,000 times!
Here is the whole quilt. The top was made by my friend and quilt bee member, Marilyn Featham. I loved quilting the baskets in all the pretty spring shades!
Also this morning, my blogging friend Susan Loftin at Sunrise Quilt Studio nominated me for the Life is Grand Award. It is a pleasure to be nominated for these, but I had just about decided not to participate in the passing along of these awards.
I know it is a way to increase readership of your blog. I decided to participate this time because it requires a little personal reflection about life. Like Confession, I believe Reflection is good for the soul!
The rules are that I have to list five reasons why my life is "grand", and then pass it on to five more people.
1. It is all about family. The big, loving family with wonderful parents that I was born into; the small but growing family that Charlie and I have been blessed with; and the extended family that includes all my in-laws and their children and grandchildren. I have a wonderful ready-made group of people who love, support, and share their lives with me.
2. Okay, Charlie was included in #1, but he deserves a separate entry all to himself. We met at N.C. State University in Raleigh when he was a sophomore and I was a freshman, but we did not start dating until the next year. We were married at the end of my junior year. He dropped out and went to work until I graduated, and then he went back. Starting out as poverty-stricken students is not the easiest way to begin a marriage, but we sure had fun with not much money. We have shared life together for almost 38 years now, and I am grateful for having this big strong smart funny handsome man with me on my journey through life.
3. I love the wonder of nature and God's creations. My blog readers know that I get excited about seeing birds and sunsets and flowers and deer and...
4. All my life I have loved to create things, but when I discovered quilting, I embarked on a life-long passionate journey. If I don't get a chance to work with art or my quilts, I get crabby! It is a huge part of my life. It allows me to make nice things for all those folks in #1 (and many others), and a lot of that is because the guy in #2 has cooked a lot of meals over the years.
5. There are so many books and so little time...Life is Grand if I have a good book to dive into! I have been an obsessive reader since I was a little girl reading all the cereal boxes while eating breakfast, and going through all the Bobbsey Twin adventures.
Now to pass this along...if you would like to participate, please consider yourself tagged. It is an interesting exercise to come up with five things that you think make life grand. Take a few minutes and try!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Showered with Gifts
First out of the bag was a throw pillow. I hope Melinda has a rocking chair in the baby's room...forgot to ask!
And I made a little pocket organizer that you can hang from the side of the crib.
Today I substituted in fourth grade- still have not gotten my starting date for my new job.
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as I did with my friends and family.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Yesterday, I received another book I ordered to help me with needle-felting. It is called Uniquely Felt, by Christine White. This is a large volume with 310 pages, full of information about different kinds of fiber and wool, techniques, and projects.

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Return of the Kildeer

We have spring bulbs coming up and camellias trying to bloom on the warm days. Our seasons are so mixed up. With the small lake down the street frozen except for the mouth where the spring waters flow in, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Mallard Duck attempting to start their family. Now, really!
When we first moved into our house here in Wake Forest, it was a former farmland with only seventeen houses. (Now there are more than eighty.) We frequently saw all kinds of wildlife, including deer, fox, and owls. We also had a pair of killdeer. I had to look them up, as I did not know this bird. They have two black stripes on their neck and chest, reminding me of a North Carolina lighthouse.
I bet I had not seen the killdeer in twelve years, until the last couple of days. They have been checking out locations in the neighborhood, as I have seen them in three different neighbor's yards. Today I could not spot them, but just as I got to our house, I heard the distinct cry of the killdeer overhead. He landed right next to a ditch by the side of the road.
I'm glad they are back! Getting my nesting stakes ready in case they decide to live here again.
I was surprised to find many videos on YouTube documenting the protective acts of the killdeer.
Cool Facts from All About Birds
The Killdeer is one of the most successful shorebirds because of its fondness for human modified habitats and its willingness to nest close to people. Because they live so close to people, however, they are vulnerable to pesticide poisoning and collisions with cars and buildings.
Gravel rooftops attract Killdeer for nesting, but can be dangerous places to raise a brood. Chicks may be unable to leave a roof because of high parapets and screened drain openings. When adults lure chicks off the roof, the chicks may die from the fall. However, some chicks have been observed leaping from a seven-story building and surviving.
The broken-wing act used to lead predators from the nest would not keep a cow or horse from stepping on the eggs. To guard against large hoofed animals, the Killdeer uses a quite different display, fluffing itself up, displaying its tail over its head, and running at the beast to attempt to make it change its path.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Wednesday Works-in-Progress
One thing I love about Pamela's classes is the art history education she throws in. She often finds a famous artist's work to compare to ours. This time I got a Picasso. Not that the subject is the same, but she converted it to gray-scale for me to check out the play of light and shadow from the window.
Maybe it is just me, but does anyone else see a Frankenstein head in this scene?
Mysteries Solved
Recently, I have been puzzled and distressed by finding three dead birds on my back deck, just behind the suspended bird feeder. They did not have any obvious signs of having been attacked, so I was afraid they had been flying into the tall windows of our kitchen and knocking their little bird brains. However, I believe I now have found the culprit.
I believe this is the cat that belongs to our sloppy next-door neighbors...the ones that still have the deflated swimming pool in the yard. It looked right at home during Christmas, when they put three of those giant electrified inflatable decorations in the yard, which deflated during the day.
Joe promised last summer that they would resume the painting of the house (abandoned two years ago with half yellow, half blue paint job) when they took down the pool and could put up a scaffold. So, I guess they are still trying to put off the paint job.
Observant readers will note that we still have our Christmas lights on the deck, but they stay up all year and look nice all twinkling in white lights while we are entertaining or enjoying a glass of wine outside.
Anyway, this little kitty has been making itself right at home on our front and back porches. I have found him sunning himself from my favorite padded chair in the screened porch, as well. And this is the same one that Maggy chased thirty feet up a tree on the one occasion when she seemed to have enough energy. I have begun calling this cat IT, for Intrepid Trespasser.
Mystery #2: The Case of the Missing Dog FoodThe other mystery involved the dog food and bird seed I keep in our garage. We buy cartons of Moist and Meaty at Sam's Club, which has packets of soft dog food in cellophane packets. Several times recently, I picked up a packet to feed Maggy, only to find it half gone. And the last time I picked up a fresh bag of bird seed from the Sam's carton, I left a trail from the back door to the feeder as the seeds dropped out of a little hole in the bag.
That mystery was solved when I walked in the garage and there was IT actually sitting IN the dog food box. She did not even jump out when I approached. She just crouched down behind the flap on the box and acted invisible. That did not work out too well for her.
However, she may have had an accomplice in pet food theft. Another time when I was reaching for the dog food, there appeared to be some activity in the tall plastic trash can I keep by the back door. Bravely climbing the the steps to the house so I could peer down into the trash can, I saw a little field mouse doing vertical leaps like he was on a Pogo Stick. He checked in, but couldn't check out. I suspect Mr. Mousie was the bird seed taster. At least, I hope it was Mr. Mousie and not Mrs. Mousie, who might have found a nice warm spot for her family in the garage somewhere.
This reminds me of something that happened at our previous house in North Raleigh. It was a story-and-a-half, with walk-in attic space available from our bedroom upstairs. One year I opened the bedroom door to get out the Christmas decorations, and was greeted by a family of flying squirrels, leaping from one end of the house to the other like the Flying Zucchini Brothers from the beloved Muppet Show. Isn't it fun when you share your home with wildlife?