I like to make all kinds of quilts, from postcard to king-size. I have a Gammill longarm quilting machine, several domestic sewing machines, and also work with a Babylock Embellishing machine. In the past few years, I have tried my hand at painting with watercolors and art journaling. I also throw in a little nature photography and the occasional travel or grandchild pictures. Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Ugliest Quilt in the World? NOT
Sunday, August 30, 2009
New Mountain Visitor
Here he is again the next day, about an hour after the feeder went off, asking, "Please, sir, may I have some more?"
And again the next morning, getting a little more demanding:
In fact, this cousin of Yogi Bear apparently has decided that all the deer feeders are his version of picnic hampers, and he visited all the ones that the men have set out on the mountain. He tore down the tree that my son's feeder was on, and left this nice claw mark.
I'm not sure how happy I am about sharing our mountain with a bear. We have never seen evidence of them there before. I guess times are changing!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Some new quilting magazines
The first two are by the publishers Stampington & Company, who also produce Belle Armoire and Somerset Studio. I now own the premier 2009 issue of Art Quilting Studio, and the Summer 2009 issue of Sew Somerset. These are both very large publications with non-glossy pages and lots of first-rate photographs. The third one is new to me: Patchwork Quilt Mania. This is actually a French publication, but it fortunately is in English with a few non-American spellings like Centre and Programme. Not only does it contain splendid eye candy photographs, but there are wonderful illustrations on the title page of almost every article. I really love the cover quilt with the rainbow color range (colour, that is). Turns out those are Kaffe Fassett fabrics, and the quilt was designed by Roberta Horton for Kaffe's latest book, Country Garden Quilts.
I looked through all three last night and have so many new ideas for projects! Sew Somerset's subtitle is "the art of creative sewing with mixed media." It has six chapters: Wearables, Books, Boxes, & Folders; Decor; Mixed-Media and Collage: Cards, ATCs & Scrapbook Pages; and Art Quilts. Then there is also a Gallery of projects submitted by readers, some with brief instructions.
Art Quilting Studio's subtitle is A Magazine with Heart, Soul, and Imagination. This one is packed with projects, and I really love it so far. I may have to subscribe to this one!
Lots of time to read this weekend as we are heading to the mountains tonight. I hope you find lots of artful inspiration this weekend!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Quilting for Little Girls
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Why I Make Quilts, Part 4
Monday, August 24, 2009
My Grandchildren Delight Me
The silverware even got to take a nap under the "quilts" next to Strawberry Shortcake and The (Naked) Little Mermaid!
When I was in the bathroom, I heard a little tap at the door. I opened it to discover this:
and Lily wanted Tinkerbelle and flowers. OOPS! Peter Pan's crocodile is getting close!
The kids were getting along so well on Saturday. They made a game out of just about everything, including the trailer we used to haul stuff from home. You can see that red dirt road in the background. It was a great weekend!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Two More "Quilts on Wheels"
I am amazing myself with my own productivity this week! Yesterday I quilted two more of the "Quilts on Wheels" charity quilts produced by members of my local bee. The first one is my own top, another Yellow Brick Road pattern using the black and white donated fabric mixed with some from my stash. Lots of polka dots here!
I also did Sharon's other Quilts on Wheels. This one will be perfect for someone in the rest home that fondly remembers growing their own garden and canning their vegetables. Isn't this a great way to make a top utilizing large prints? It almost looks like a glass-front cabinet filled with luscious fruits and veggies.
I quilted this one with pumpkins, vines, and a few apples and carrots thrown in. Very fast!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Quilt for Lacy
I referred to Suzanne Earley's Meandering Magic book again, and used a Hearts and Ribbons meander. I had some space in between the meanders that I filled in with feathers, flowers, and of course, the baby's name, Lacy.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday Works-of-Charity
I decided to use Suzanne Earley's Holly and Ribbons design from her Meandering Magic book. I had just done something similar on a Christmas quilt back in July, so this went very quickly.
Then on to Sharon's quilt top. She made up a design using some donated fabric.