Monday, January 30, 2012

Communing with Nature

Not too much quilty news to report today.  We have been going to movies (Girl With the Dragon Tattoo- GREAT!; Sherlock Holmes-Pretty Good)  and also went to see Memphis at the DPAC.  I thought that was better than any of the three shows I have seen on Broadway.  And I am so glad that some social customs have improved over time, race relations being the issue in the musical.  The performers were amazing with fabulous voices.

I got tired of waiting for my sprained ankle to get back to normal since it has been six months.  I started physical therapy two weeks ago, and joined the Rex Wellness Center last week.  So far I have only participated in the water fitness classes, which I love because there is no stress on the joints.  On Wednesday I have an appointment to have a personal fitness routine mapped out for me on the gym equipment.

And of course, I have been faithful about taking the beautiful Kasey on walks every day.  I cannot believe the warm January we have had, with temperatures in the sixties.   We have been hitting the greenways and enjoying glimpses of nature.

Here is a large hawk perched on a branch,  looking for his lunch along the Smith Creek greenway.

The bluebirds love the open spaces at J. Carroll Joyner Park, and they often follow along as we walk, flying from tree to tree.

There is a beautiful nature trail around the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh.  Various sculptures and other works of art are visible along the trail.  Between 2005 and 2007 there was a remarkable structure by Patrick Dougherty called Trail Heads.   It was made of woven sticks and branches.  Children of all ages loved stepping inside this wonderful little house-like area.

Sadly, it had to be removed when it deteriorated, but I was reminded of it on our walk past the piney woods behind Heritage.

Mother Nature created this one on her own from fallen branches and pine needles.

Kasey about got herself in trouble this morning.  She is trained to walk up our long driveway with us when we get the mail or the newspaper.  She stops about three-fourths of the way and waits for us so she is not close to the road.  But this morning, there was a gray fox in the neighbor's yard next door!  She gave chase, and was just about on it when the fox doubled back and hid under the neighbor's machinery behind his house.  I'm glad she did not catch it.

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