Some of the squares were left over from my grandson's quilt that I made before he was born. His mom picked out the pattern and helped me choose the fabrics. I called it Jungle Boogie. I think the stars are from Jan Mullen's book Cut-Loose Quilts.
I even drafted my own border quilting pattern with jungle animals marching in a row. I quilted it with variegated thread.
Anyway, Kathy Miller completed the top from the leftover squares at our sew-in day, and I quilted just circles and loops with a pale yellow-green thread called Bamboo by Signature.
I started a second charity quilt made from leftover Yellow Brick Road squares from a previous charity quilt I made. This time Mary Nennstiel put the top together at our sew-in.
This one is still on the machine. The quilting shows up rather dramatically on the solid pink backing because I am using black thread.
Tonight we are going to see the musical Memphis at the Durham Performing Arts Center as part of the Broadway South program. Excited!
Beautiful creative quilting :)