Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nature's Best Quilt Contest- Please Vote for Me!

Natures Best Quilt Contest

I entered my little dogwood trapunto quilt into the Nature's Best Quilt Contest at the Quilting Gallery online. It is in the Small Quilts category.

Only one photo is permitted in the contest, so here are some additional photographs of this quilt. The patchwork contains hand-dyed, hand-painted, and commercial cottons, and Dupioni silk. It is machine quilted, trapuntoed, color trapuntoed, painted, beaded, and embellished with Swarovski crystals.

If you like this quilt, which won a first place ribbon at the North Carolina State Fair and a Judge's Choice prize at the North Carolina Quilt Symposium, please consider voting for my quilt!

Just go here and scroll down to Carolina Woodland Spring! Thanks!


  1. I just cast my vote for this beautiful quilt on Quilting Bloggers. It's just so pretty, wonderful greens.

  2. I voted! Good luck Jeanne - it sure is beautiful

  3. it is beautiful, but I was selfish and voted for myself, lol

  4. A retired schoolteacher that "one" a blue ribbon! Rare!
