Friday, September 25, 2009

Colorful Quilt for a Little Boy

This is the quilt that I finished this week. It is filled with things that little boys like...


and Snails...

And Puppy-Dog Tails...
Some Fish...

Some goofy tadpoles...How about a frog?

Or a turtle?Some of these critters are based on the book by Laura Lee Fritz, 250 Continuous Line Quilting Designs. Others are just "drawn" freehand with my sewing machine.

We are going to the mountains this weekend and I will deliver this quilt and two others to my nephew's new baby and new stepchildren. We are also celebrating my father's birthday, a little late. I made two big pans of lasagna and am ready to go!


  1. Your quilting is amazing. I love the animals. I also like your quilt on Nature's Best contest. Great job on the dogwoods.

  2. How adorable and perfect. I have that book plus an I Spy to quilt .... I'm going to borrow (steal) your ideas. thanks.

  3. Very cute! I like the quilted snail the best.
