Friday, February 27, 2009

Does this look familiar?

Sunset Over Water, 2009, 6" x 7 1/2"
Today we had a big "pep rally" at the elementary school where I teach. It was our assistant principal's last day before retiring, and the whole school gathered to present her with cards, sing songs, do cheers, etc. It was very cute.

I was thinking of giving her one of my fabric bookmarks, since she will now have more time to read. But when I went upstairs to the sewing zone, there was all the fabric and fiber I had used to make Galveston Sunset. So I decided to make a much smaller version for a gift/card. (When I got to school, I brushed off the extra black "fluff" that had latched on.) Did I mention I did this project in one hour?
On the back, I wrote my wishes for peace and tranquility. I hope that she will enjoy her retirement!


  1. beautiful!!! and lucky you to start back to work just in time for a party!

  2. This is so cute and what a great gift. Who wouldn't love to receive it? Even the back is nice enough to be a "front". Love the way the quilting made a scene on the back. We had about 5 or so inches just North of the Greensboro, NC area so we bested you although this is not a contest one necessarily wants to win, huh?!?! Glad I came across your blog. Interesting!

  3. Jeanne

    Katy is a friend of mine... i kept forgetting til today to get your blog address...

    your work is beautiful...

    i will defintely be back to watch more of your art work displays.

    blessings, csy
