Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Time to do the Happy Dance

I am not planning to go to the Machine Quilters' Expo in New Hampshire this year, but I found out today that two of my quilts are! This year, the quilt show was juried for the first time. And this is my first try at entering a juried show. Yippee! I hope someone will take pictures of my quilts hanging in the show. Here are my two babies that will be going on this outing in April:

Carolina Woodland Spring


Something "Girly"


Now I need to remember to add a five-inch sleeve to Something "Girly" since it currently has only the usual four-inch hanging sleeve. That should not be a problem. Last year I was still painting this one a week before its debut at the Capital Quilters Guild Show!


  1. I love the Quilts, they are very original.

  2. That's fantastic, Jeanne! And well deserved. Congratulations!!!

  3. I have had the wonderful pleasure of seeing BOTH of these beauties in person -- believe me when I tell you -- they look stunning in these pictures -- but the pictures don't even BEGIN to do them justice. The color, the texture, the hand painting - so very lovely. Jeanne you really are an artist. Good luck!!

  4. Yeah! I'll get to see them for myself!

  5. Congratulations, what an honor.
