I like to make all kinds of quilts, from postcard to king-size. I have a Gammill longarm quilting machine, several domestic sewing machines, and also work with a Babylock Embellishing machine. In the past few years, I have tried my hand at painting with watercolors and art journaling. I also throw in a little nature photography and the occasional travel or grandchild pictures. Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Doing the Happy Star Dance
What to do with old quilt magazines?
Then, I decided to start a different project that I got excited about after watching her on The Quilt Show. I bought Vikki Pignatelli's book, Quilting by Improvisation, and have now created the freezer paper pattern for "My Star Dances." This project introduces her method of piecing with curves. I am excited to try it, because she does not use any glue stick or glue like other methods I have tried and don't like. I end up with glue all over my hands, table, tools, you name it! Vicki uses a lightweight stabilizer and freezer paper. Usually Vikki just irons down the fabric to the stabilizer, using the freezer paper pattern on top as a guide. She recommends using Stitch Witchery on the narrow roll when it is necessary to fix the seam allowance in place. We will see how successful I am with this method. The possiblilities for artistic quilting are endless if you can sew anything you can draw! In fact, I hope to take this book and go through it step by step to learn all her methods. One of my quilting groups has issued a challenge to make a leaf art quilt by our fall quarterly meeting. Maybe I will come up with something original by then!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
What Mother Nature is up to in my yard
Monday, June 25, 2007
Mountain home update
Friday, June 22, 2007
Got New Camera...It's My Birthday...
I did the happy dance myself yesterday about an hour after my sad post about ruining my new digital camera. My wonderful husband, Charlie, called me from work and asked me to meet him for lunch at Best Buy to pick out my birthday present- a replacement camera! I had intended to punish myself for my carelessness by doing without a new camera for awhile, especially with our cabin nearing completion. We have many items to purchase in the next few months.
Anyway, we got the same camera, which in four months has been upgraded to a model with more mega pixels and some improved buttons. I feel so fortunate! And yes, this time we got the four-year warranty that will cover anything except loss or theft.
What a great start to my birthday!
Last night I went to my quilt guild meeting and showed off "Cute As a Lily-bug," the name I have chosen for my granddaughter's quilt. It was most gratifying to hear oohs-and-aahs during show-and-tell. I did not have the binding on yet, but I did finish adding some hot-fix crystals to the dragonfly wings, to make them shine, and to the heart appliques.
And finally, here is a joyful picture for my birthday of a ladder I painted last summer, which is now a plant-stand on my back deck. I love looking out the window from my kitchen and seeing the bright colors of this "patchwork" ladder and all the bright flowers.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Curious Incident of My Camera in the Night-Time
So, it's Requiem for a Camera, and a bit of advice.
Buy the warranty.
Buy a waterproof case.
Use the camera case you purchased with the long strap instead of sticking the oh-so-convenient camera in your pocket.
Bye-Bye little camera. :(
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Quilted and Yo-Yo'ed
The next step was to add fabric yo-yo's, buttons, and beads to make dragonfly eyes and flower centers, as well as spots on the ladybug.
I am thinking that I will add a few more beads or crystals here and there. Melody Crust mentioned at her workshop that her students often ask, "How do I know when I have enough embellishments?" Her reply: "If you have to ask, you're probably not done." Will try to add the binding and sleeve today.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Lily's Quilt Top is Done!
Originally, I was just going to spell out her nice, short, four-letter name. But at the beach, I noticed that her family all called her Lily-bug, even three-year-old brother Avery . That nickname works perfectly with all the dragonflies and the ladybug- not to mention the extra space at the bottom of the center block! Hope she does not mind when she gets older. When I was little my mother often called me Jeannie- Bean, which I did not like, and my dad called me Jeannie-Bird, which I loved. Lily has actually been called Bugs or Bugsy since she was born, because of her GREAT BIG EYES. Cute as a bug?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Back to Reality
Yesterday I went back to the store to refill our larder, and then invited our son and his wife who live in Raleigh to come to dinner for Fathers' Day. Usually my husband takes charge of these Sunday dinners by grilling something yummy, but I wanted to make a special supper for him all by myself. So what did he do? Washed my car for me. What a nice man! He enjoyed his chicken pie, salad, corn on the cob, fruit salad, croissants, and strawberry shortcake. I tried something new that I loved when we ate at The Boundary House in Calabash last week. They used sugared pecans in the green salad. I did not know how to make them, so I did a quick search on the Internet. They are so sweet and crunchy and added a very different taste to the salad. I have a wonderful husband who is a great father and grandfather. I had to make do with wishing my own dad a happy Fathers' Day on Saturday at the beach before we left. He is such a unique dad with time and love to devote to his seven children and their spouses, fourteen grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Love you, Daddy!
I have just finished doing last night's dishes by hand, since the dishwasher chose an inopportune time to conk out. Made myself do my exercise video for the first time in ten days. Now on to working on little Lily's quilt!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Beach Blanket Bloggo
Hat night was the first night, as always. Here are a few of us trying to figure out how to have fun.
Daughter-in-law Emily and me
Friday, June 8, 2007
Trying out watercolor pencils

Thursday, June 7, 2007
How to Embellish Lily's Quilt
Here is my original idea- spell out her name in yo-yo's and buttons. These are just placed on here to see how they look. Typically, I embellish AFTER quilting. I also want to add some beads on the insects, and maybe more yo-yo's on the flowers.
The flowers, dragonflies, hearts, and ladybug are from the book Bugs, Blooms, and Bullfrogs by Pat Sloan. I used a fused 1/4" bias tape in a marbled green for the vines.
I am so ready to quilt this and get it done, but we are leaving on vacation Saturday, and I really need to do some preparations! I'll take it to my bee meeting tonight and see what the ladies think.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A Quilt for Lily
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Getting it done
Monday, June 4, 2007
Almost a Mountain Mama
Anyway, our house did not pass inspection yet. Some of the changes must be made by our builder, and several were electrical in nature. We worked on some of the problems this weekend, but we need our posse of volunteer carpenter relatives to do things like add vents for the exhaust fans. Charlie and I are not too eager to cut holes in the side of the log cabin by ourselves! So, we took a Gator ride over the Christmas tree farms on the top, drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway which is just a few miles away, and even threw some tubes in the COLD creek for a little refreshing float.
One of my projects was to hack out a stairway to the bench Charlie placed for me in a fern bank above the creek. That is my morning perch where I drink my coffee and watch the beavers, hummingbirds, and other wildlife. A photo from my bench is posted below. I was afraid I was going to bust my tail walking up there in the morning dew. I am very proud of the fact that I built a stairway all by myself, using leftover pieces of logs from the cabin that I buried into the ground using a mattock and shovel. I even used a level, and drove around in the Gator picking up large flat rocks. Even after it rained hard Saturday night, my nice stair path was tight with no logs rolling around uncooperatively. I have been taking a sketch book and some watercolor pencils in an attempt to improve my drawing skills and record some of my views.
On Saturday of this week, we are heading in the opposite direction to go to the beach for a week of rest and relaxation. It could not come at a better time! No painting, sanding, shopping at the home improvement warehouse, or any other manual exertion except carrying our chairs to the beach and lifting cold drinks to our mouths. I can't wait!