Saturday, January 14, 2017

Chenille Posies-Finished!

We had a snow and ice event here in Raleigh last weekend, resulting in us being housebound for a few days.  Result:  I finished a few projects!  Here is one quilt that is now complete.

I bought the top at an antique store in Pittsboro, North Carolina, last spring when I went to French Connections with two friends.  I think it was meant to be a summer-weight child's bedspread.  The edges were a little ragged, but I thought it would make a nice quilt.

I put this one on my Gammill in the mountain cabin in July, but it took months to finish it.  I did not know when I put it on that I had a broken leg.  I could not stand very long on that hard concrete floor!  

I quilted lots of leaves and swirls and echoed around the flower shapes.

When it came time to bind the edges, I recognized a problem.  I would have to cut off that last chenille border if I wanted to add a traditional binding.  I decided to just zigzag the binding and batting to the very edge of the top.  I think that solution is fine.  This one is not going in a quilt show!

You can see the pastel stripe flannel I used for the back.  It is turned up so you can see the stitched edge.

I think this quilt will live in my bedroom, where I will keep it on my chair.  

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