Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Sun Prints

Have you ever tried sun-printing fabric?  It's one of my favorite things to do on a sunny summer day. I use Setacolor paint.  Just wet some white cotton fabric, apply some diluted Setacolor paints with a sponge brush, and let them dry in the sun with some botanicals on top.

When the fabric and paint are dry, the areas covered by the leaves and petals will look like a shadowy white print.

Speaking of botanicals, we met our son Dave's family at the Raleigh Rose Garden on Sunday evening for a pre-new-baby-Layla family photo shoot.  I got lots of inspiration for future paintings or artwork.

Here are Dave, Emily, and granddaughter Charlotte.

Charlotte is looking forward to becoming a big sister next month!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Thanks for reminding me of Setacolor sunprints ...time to pull them out of my stash.
