Thursday, July 21, 2016

Not a Leg to Stand On

July is nearly over- unbelievable!  I do not have much to show for this summer as far as sewing or art projects.  I've had some medical issues, the worst of which is a broken bone in my right leg.  I did not fall or anything, but both of my legs started bothering me at the beach when we were walking on the long boardwalk.  I finally got to see my orthopedic foot specialist, who diagnosed a displaced fracture of the fibula.  I was walking around on it for a month, so he thinks it may heal on its own with just a lace-up ankle brace.  The other ankle is the one that has bothered me most for years, so I guess I am falling apart.

I have been looking at ideas for a baby quilt for my new granddaughter, due in September.  The nursery theme is going to be garden...think flowers, birds, butterflies, and topiary.  Here is one I made a few years ago for a Capital Quilters Guild challenge.

The color scheme is not too far off from Layla's nursery palette, with pastels mixed with a few brights.

Baby's mama Emily liked this pattern that I found on Pinterest, so I have been making drawings for something along that line.  I'll probably use the light green for the border.

I also have done a few more Bible art journaling pages.

Joshua 15:16-19

Matthew 2:9-11

John 10:11-14
This weekend we are going back to Carolina Beach for a special family wedding.  My daughter-in-law's mother is marrying a wonderful man.  They live near Raleigh, but have been renovating a house on the Intercoastal Waterway where we stayed with the family last April.  Our little granddaughter will be a flower girl.  I can't wait to get back down there!  I need to get a pedicure...or should I bother  when my toes will be peeking out from this black lace-up brace?


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