Monday, September 21, 2015

Journaling in Florida

I did a couple of quick journal pages last week using ephemera from a few of the Florida restaurants we have visited.

The first one utilizes the place mat from Yoder's Amish Restaurant and a brochure from Cha-Cha Coconuts in Sarasota, and a napkin from The Mucky Duck on Captiva.  I painted the background with watercolors to match the bright pastels of the artwork.

On the next page, I had already painted the sky and water and was stuck on what to do next.  The napkin from The Green Flash restaurant on Captiva Island solved the problem.  I added some green paint to the horizon and then some text with gel pens.

I have never personally seen the green flash phenomena, but it is on my bucket list to experience it one day.  

According to Wikipedia:

Green flashes and green rays are optical phenomena that sometimes occur right after sunset or right before sunrise. When the conditions are right, a green spot is visible above the upper rim of the disk of the sun. The green appearance usually lasts for no more than a second or two. Rarely, the green flash can resemble a green ray shooting up from the sunset (or sunrise) point. Green flashes occur because the atmosphere can cause the light from the sun to separate out into different colors. 

It was a great weekend for us, because our kids came down for a visit from North and South Carolina!  What a shot in the arm for Charlie and me.  More than halfway through cancer treatment and we were feeling in a bit of a slump.  Nothing like your loved ones showing up to improve the old attitude!

We went to Sanibel Island on Saturday and had a beautiful day.  

Little Charlie loved the warm, gentle, shallow Gulf ocean waters and all the seashells.

We rented a car for them that was supposed to be a Hundai Sonata, but instead became a Camaro convertible.  I got to ride to Sanibel in it with son Dave.  Wheee!

Feeling blessed and loved.

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