Monday, September 7, 2015

Fun on the Gulf

We have had a very nice Labor Day weekend.  Today the Dattoli Cancer Center is closed, so we have had a luxurious morning of sleeping in and lallygagging about!  There was a thunderstorm this morning and it has been very gray.  My brother's home is on a lake, and this is how it normally looks in the morning.  I love the reflections of the trees.  Sometimes there are ducks, herons, iguanas, otters, and other interesting critters to see.

We went to church on Sanibel Island yesterday, then went to breakfast at The Green Flash restaurant on Captiva Island.  We sat at a window overlooking the docks, and saw an osprey fishing while we ate.  This photo is borrowed from their website.

After that, Charlie and I went to the beach on Sanibel for a couple hours.

On Thursday I had the privilege of lifeguards doing practice drills right in front of us.  Yesterday, Charlie got to watch a beautiful Latina girl doing a photo shoot in a thong bikini at the edge of the water.

Last night we celebrated the birthdays of both of my sister-in-law's parents, who also live in Fort Myers.  It was a nice family weekend.

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