Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Revisiting Two of My Art Quilts

As I mentioned in my previous post, my husband and I will be house guests in Ft. Myers, Florida for the next six to eight weeks while he undergoes cancer treatments.  It is fun to see examples of both my father's and my contributions to the decor of their house.

This is our bedroom, recently the repainted room of my niece Laura.  She has graduated from Florida State University and is living in Kansas.  And here is a shout-out to two of her friends who had actually heard of me from following my blog!  Hello, Wichita!

I love the tropical foliage glowing out the window over the bed.  It almosts looks like an aquarium.  I did not make the quilt on the bed.  But I did make this one on the wall.

Florida Visitors, Jeanne Turner McBrayer, 2003

I started with a Ricky Tims pattern called Harmonic Convergence.  I added some borders, appliquéd stems and folded flowers, and some hand-dyed fibers.  The tropical colors look good in their house.
 In the same bedroom they have some rustic frames with postcard-size pictures that my father, Pete Turner,  painted over the years.  I have taken his cue and been making some 4" x 6" paintings to use for greeting cards. 

In their living room is another quilt that I made for them.  


For this one I used the watercolor method of blending 2" square prints.  The trees are fused separately over the patchwork.  The border is made from an assortment of green and blue hand-dyed fabrics.

This quilt was a gift after Charlie and I visited their former home in Camano Island, Washington, north of Seattle.  

View from Camano Island, Jeanne Turner McBrayer, 2000.

The label I made for it has a photo transfer of the bay and landscape.  

In their dining area is a very nice stained glass window.  It faces the same exterior as our bedroom window.  The afternoon light is just beautiful.

That's it for today.  We got along fine on our trip to Sarasota today, with a little R&R at Lido Key after Charlie finished his radiation this morning.  How nice to have a lovely location to get well, and good family to offer us their hospitality.

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