Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fabulous and Free Art Journal Challenge

Here is a link to sign up for the Fabulous and Free Art Journal Challenge.

The leader of the challenge is Susan Lazar Wojtkowski.  She has a web page called Irreversibly Moi.  Here is the information from Susan:

"The first challenge will arrive, via email, on May 4th (Monday).  You will receive a new challenge twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays.

  • We will keep the same Facebook Group for this challenge as we had for the last one.  There will be a few new features added, though.

  • The challenges will be posted in the Facebook Group files section at the end of each week.

  • There will be an album for each challenge for you to upload your work to.

  • I will have random giveaways during the course of the challenge

  • There will be 30 challenges, in all.  With two challenges per week, this will take 15 weeks.

  • We just may have a few guest artists participating in some of the challenges :)"

I hope that some of you will participate in the challenge.  The last one really encouraged me to start making some beautiful pages in my journal.  I have tried some new lettering, drawing, and painting techniques, and found some that I really like.

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