Friday, March 20, 2015

Art in Bloom

Flowers, artwork, friends, food, and family made for a perfect day yesterday!

It began with an excursion (about two miles down the road from me) to the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh.  Four of us from the Anything Art bee met for the special exhibition of Art in Bloom, which will run through this Sunday.

Florists from across the state created spectacular arrangements inspired by paintings or sculpture in the permanent collection.   I tried to take photos of the flowers with the inspiration piece.

This Monet is one of my favorite pieces in the permanent collection.

Another of my favorites is The Garden Parasol, by Frederick Carl Frieseke.

Here is Aphrodite and the arrangement she inspired.

 This arrangement cleverly includes elements of the waves and the tall ships.

One of my favorite pieces was this very colorful, tall arrangement that coordinated with every painting in its gallery.  But it was inspired by the ebony chest behind it.

Outdoors there was an installation as well.

Some of the galleries just had large arrangements not inspired by just one piece of art.

Based on the opening morning, I would say that this exhibition was a smashing success.  I hope they will repeat it in the future!

The four of us went to one of my favorite nearby restaurants, Bella Monica's,  for lunch.  That takes care of the flowers, artwork, friends, and some of the food of the day. was also my husband's birthday!  More food and fun, this time with family.  We went out to eat with our son Dave, his wife Emily, and our sweet munchkin Charlie.

They gave "us" His and Hers fishing poles and some great chairs so we can try fishing in the pond behind our Raleigh home.  We had a couple of very warm days this week, and I could see the fish swimming about from the back deck of our house.  

The fun will continue this weekend with more family and friends as we make what is now an annual tradition of a trip to Asheville to experience as many beer breweries as we can!  There are over forty in Asheville and surrounding areas.  Good times!

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