Monday, January 26, 2015

Eyeglass Case from Quilting Test Scraps

When I am quilting, I often make a test quilt sandwich to try out my thread tensions.  I happened to have a couple of those when my eyeglass case unfortunately got run over last weekend.  I stitched a lot more decorative stitches into the two small quilted pieces, joined them together, and made a new eyeglass case.

The little red square is a scrap of needlefelted fabric that I sewed on to cover the Velcro square on the cover.

Here is the back side.  I just joined the two pieces together with zigzag stitch.

Pretty easy!

We have had quite a few lovely warm days, interspersed with dreary cold rainy days.  Here are some pictures from the nice days.

This is the pond behind our Raleigh house.

And here is Lake Lynn in Raleigh, which has a nice greenway all around.  Kasey and I walked the whole perimeter yesterday, which is about two miles.

it was sparkly and beautiful!

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