Thursday, December 11, 2014

Flocking at Home

Hello, everyone!  It has been a whirlwind week.  Last week we celebrated Christmas with my son's family.  It was wonderful!  Love to get my kids and grandkids all in one place!

I got a book that I have been coveting...Joanne Sharpe's The Art of Whimsical Lettering.

I will look forward to spending some time playing with my text on journal pages, cards, maybe even artwork.

We had a lot of fun, good food, and fooling around.

Dave "borrowed" my Christmas sweaters years ago for a Tacky Sweater party, and never gave them back.  He won a $75 prize at work for wearing the blue one that I thought was so pretty.

This hat was a popular hit.  It reminds me of the movie, A Christmas Story.  A true classic.

I have done some decorating for Christmas at our Raleigh house.  I decided the green artificial wreath on our front door did not show up at all against the black painted door.  After looking online for white or glittery wreaths and not finding one I liked short of forty dollars, I decided to visit my art supply stash and lighten up that wreath.

I found a tube of heavy body acrylic paint in Titanium white, and used almost the whole tube.  There was a small bag of snowflake-shaped crystals in my embellishment jar.

For added sparkle, I used glitter and glitter glue.

I used two cheap paintbrushes to apply the paint, and a palette that used to be a microwave container for something or other.  I covered the work area with freezer paper.  When I was done, I balled up the paper and threw the brushes and palette away.  No mess to clean!

Basically, I worked paint inside the pine cones and spread it on the foliage and pine needles.  That thick white paint made realistic snow.  I sprinkled glitter on the paint while it was wet.  The snowflake crystals went on with the glitter glue.

Now it shows up much better!

I bought some silver and white ribbon, but have not decided whether to add it or not.

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