Friday, November 28, 2014

Baby Quilt for a Little Mermaid

I finished this baby quilt several months ago, but I don't think I ever blogged about it.  I got it done in time for a shower for my daughter-in-law Emily's sister Ellen, back in September.

Kai's Quilt, by Jeanne Turner McBrayer, 2014

This is basically the same pattern as the quilt I made for my granddaughter, Charlie.  On this one I used all novelty fabrics for the center squares.  A game could be made of finding the two matching center squares when the baby gets older.

I did a curvy freehand quilting on my Gammill long arm, which adds softness to all the squares and lines.

The purple mermaid fabric was the main theme fabric for Charlie's mermaid quilt.

I have neither met Baby Kai yet or seen her nursery, since they live in Florida, but it looks like the quilt was a perfect match for the mermaid-themed baby's room.

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