Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Opening Day of Art Quilt-WHIMSY! Exhibit in Cary, NC

This morning I had to go to Cary, NC to take my dog to  her eight-week checkup after knee surgery and her physical therapist.  We got good reports from both.  She can now do what she feels like as far as gradually increasing her running and strength.

Her doctors are only about a mile from the Page-Walker House in Cary, so after taking Kasey for a walk around the art-encrusted grounds, I went in for my first brief glimpse at the show on opening day.

I was happy to find my quilt right away in the main display room on the first floor.

Oh, Look!  The Spider Plant is Having Babies!, by Jeanne Turner McBrayer

While I was there, I met Judy Smith, who also is a new member of PAQA-South and had a piece accepted into the show.

Marsh Fairies, by Judy Smith

My art quilting mentor, Pamela Allen, has two of her quilts in this show.  One of them is hanging directly across the room from mine.  I like that they are "looking" at each other for the next two months.

By the Splashpool, by Pamela Allen

By the Splashpool, detail

By the Splashpool, detail

Pamela also has a quilt on display upstairs, which I will show at another time.  I think her style absolutely defines the theme of this show, "Whimsy."

There were two different quilts featuring giraffes in this exhibit.  One was the quilt featured on the brochure about the show.

Sometimes Friendship Can Be Sticky, by Barbara Dahlberg

The other features three delightful giraffes dining upon some luscious leaves.

The Lunch Bunch, by Ann Turley

The Lunch Bunch, detail

The Lunch Bunch, detail
 The Page-Walker House is a historic building once used as a hotel.  The room being used downstairs for the show is like a big parlor or living room.  There is an old fireplace and mantel which was colorfully decorated with a large quilt and a series of small mounted quilts.

 The kitty is by Sandy Curran, and is very "eye-catching" especially with its bright flowers.

Stop and Smell the Flowers, by Sandy Curran

The series of smaller art quilts on the mantel are by Lyric Kinard.

That's all I have time for today.  Tomorrow is the first day of Merlefest in North Wilkesboro, a music festival that we have attended for the past three years.  We have tickets for the whole thing again this year.  Featured performers include Alan Jackson, Old Crow Medicine Show, and Merle Haggard.  Favorites of ours include The Kruger Brothers and Sam Bush.  We have two couples staying with us, with much better accommodations this year thanks to the new cabin.  I don't know how much time I will have for blogging, but will get back to more pictures from the quilt show when I can.

And here is our daily dose of cuteness:

This is my granddaughter Charlotte, also of Cary, who is about to embark on her first trip to The Big Apple with her parents.  Little does she know it is her grandmother's home town!

1 comment:

  1. I just started following your blog today. Thanks for all the fun pictures of the art quilts from the exhibit:) I am just getting my feet wet with some more artistic quilting, and I am always looking for inspiration. Enjoy your music festival!
