Sunday, January 12, 2014

Flower Challenge

The Flower Challenge quilts from our Anything Art Quilt bee were supposed to be finished by our January meeting.  Here are three of them together.

These three are by Peg Henderson, Antoinette Brown, and myself.  One of the participants has moved back to her native Australia.  Roberta has Marian's and hers at home, and is going to tack the five separate quilts together at the sides to make one quilt.  Then we will enter them as a group quilt into the Capital Quilters Guild Show in March.

Speaking of shows, Antoinette has put together a quilt exhibit at the Halle Center in Apex.  The show's theme is Windows on Time.  She  asked  if I had anything that would fit that theme.  So, I am sending in this little quilt.

It is only about 7.5" square.  The two ladies enjoying a buggy ride are my grandmother Polly and one of her sisters. I used TAP to make a fabric photo, and added bits of lace, tucks from an old blouse, and other embellishments.  

Since this piece is so small, it will probably be displayed on an easel in a glass case.

The Halle Cultural Arts Center is at 237 N. Salem St., Apex, NC.  The exhibit will run through February 7.

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