Friday, December 20, 2013

Visiting my Gammill

I went to Clayton on Wednesday 
to visit my Gammill's foster mother and help her get set up with a quilting project.  That's her working on a very pretty batik quilt.

Even though I've done hundreds of quilts, it took me a little while to remember everything.  We had done several rows before I remembered to attach the side clamps!

This weekend we are visiting our kids and grand kids in South Carolina.  It was so good to see the little ones again!

This will be our Christmas visit with them.   Tomorrow it will be about 75 degrees here!  That works for me...the kids can play outside all day!

It has been warm at home, too.  Yesterday I walked our dog up our road right before dark.  We got to see a spectacular sunset over the lake.

I got my new laptop, which is light and sleek and FRUSTRATING!  It has a touch screen and Windows 8.1.  I used to teach Windows to the teachers and students at school, but I am totally lost!  Maybe after I watch 100 or so tutorials I will figure it out.

I hope you enjoy your weekend!

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