Lily lost a tooth, which meant I had to get up in the middle of the night and go out to my car to find a dollar for the Tooth Fairy!
I still do not have a laptop, as I am waiting for the insurance money to come through. If it takes much longer I will have to go ahead and get one, because an I-Pad and an I-phone just can't do the same things.
A repairman is here today to fix our front door (which a burglar busted down two weeks ago and has been boarded up ever since.). You can read about it in an earlier post.
We are having Thanksgiving at our house for the first time since 1983! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is a little turkey I painted in one of my journals last year oe the year before.
Here is another bird that I tried to paint in the loose, juicy, colorful style of my recent workshop instructor, Fealing Lin.
And this is another face I'm practicing in a journal, courtesy of a model in a cosmetics ad. Working in journals is a very non- threatening way to try out new color combinations.
That's it for now. My fingers are getting cold since the front door has been open for three hours while john the carpenter is trying to build us a new door frame and repair the lock.
Happy Thanksgiving!