Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another Watercolor Painting

I had so much fun painting the view from the Christmas tree farm in the mountains, that I decided to try another iconic scene from Ashe County.  

Peak Creek Dam, by Jeanne Turner McBrayer, 2013
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you have seen photos of this dam across Peak Creek many times.  We used to camp in the grassy field next to the creek just below the dam.  There is nothing like the sound of that rushing water!

The large structure on top of the dam used to house a turbine, which powered the copper mine at the top of the mountain.  Now the water flows through there and makes a splendid waterfall.

Painting water is always somewhat challenging, but I was rather pleased with this first attempt to capture the cascade.

1 comment:

  1. It's fabulous how your water sparkles in the sun. :-)
