Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Finished Quilt Top...and a Special Afternoon

Here is my finished quilt top for my grand-baby!  The borders are on.  I just need to piece the backing, and make arrangements to visit my Gammill one day to get it quilted.  (It is at a Foster Mother's house while my home is on the market.)
It has been a busy week.  I had to get a temporary crown on a molar, and spent three and a half hours in the dentist's chair on Monday.  Then it came off on Wednesday and I had to go back on Thursday to get it cemented back on.
On Saturday my family had a Celebration of Life in honor of my late father, Pete Turner.  It was a wonderful day.  I saw cousins and friends I have not seen in decades.  A special surprise was one of my childhood friends who flew down from New Jersey.  My two surviving aunts and my last surviving uncle were there, along with my father's cousin.  I had a PowerPoint running on the wall screen with scanned images of my father's artwork.  We brought in some of his paintings, and had display tables with lots of his newspaper clippings, commercial art, and published artwork.
All seven siblings, and many others took turns sharing stories about my father and mother. 
At the end, my brother Tim played guitar and sang  "Someone to Watch Over Me," which was my parents' song during their time of separation during World War II.  I put the lyrics on a PowerPoint slide show and we all sang along.  It was very moving.
Dave and Emily brought little Charlie to meet her cousins, aunts and uncles.  She was a good little girl the whole time. 
Afterward most of us went to dinner together at the Hibernian Pub in Cary.  It was a good day for my family, friends, and neighbors to visit and remember my father's amazing life.
Big Charlie took a picture of Little Charlie, her mom, and both her grandmothers. 
It looks as if the baby is looking up adoringly at me, but she is looking at my father's painting of mountain wildflowers, hanging on the wall behind the couch.  She loves that painting!  I think the red flowers catch her attention.
My father died just a couple weeks before she was born, but maybe he is looking down on her from Heaven.

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