Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer Blooms

It has been incredibly nice outside for the past two days, with low humidity.  That is a rare occurence here in the South!  I walked around with my camera to see what was in bloom (and yank some weeds that are coming up despite my 45 bags of mulch!)

The day lilies are spectacular this time of year.  I have several different colors and varieties.

These double orange flowers are probably my favorite.  I tried to paint them with watercolors, working from this photograph, while we were in the mountains last weekend.   I was not too happy with the painting, but will try to salvage it with a little more work.

The knock-out roses have really started blooming along the front of the porch.

One of the shrubs that does okay with our hot dry summers is the butterfly bush, or buddlea.  This one is sort of periwinkle blue, and hides the garbage container next to the garage. 


I have never had much luck with hosta before.  They like the shade.  I finally have some that are thriving at the edge of the camellias under a tree in the back.

For areas with full sun and a tendency to suffer drought, you can't beat crepe myrtle.  I have some growing along the driveway and in the shrub bed out front.


And if the hot summer sun gets to be too much for the flowers planted in the yard, I always have a few pots in bloom.  This one has lantana plus a petunia that wintered over from last year due to the mild temps.

Some things look nice in the garden even if they don't bloom.  I like this crimson barberry.

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