Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fun With Doodles on a Rainy Day

This is what it looked like on our greenway walk today.  Gray, beige, and wet.

Kasey and I were the only idiots out there.  Hope SHE enjoyed it! 

I decided it was a good day to work on fun, colorful journal pages.  First, I got out my hardcover watercolor journal and turned to a page that I had previously painted with some orange/pink watercolors.  This month's theme for The Sketchbook Challenge is DOODLES.  So, I used two widths of Sharpies to add some doodle designs.

Doodling is also the theme of the first of this year's Strathmore Online Workshops.  If you have any interest in mixed media or art journaling, you should sign up for this free series of online classes with well-known artists.  The first series of videos is by Traci Bautista.  In the first lesson, you make marks with a variety of paints, markers, and stencils.  Then you use India ink and white-out marker to add more marks.

Here is my first lesson.  I hear the Seventies are calling, and they want their Flower Power back!

Since I had an extra sheet of watercolor paper handy, I made another one to use up the extra paint.

It is my understanding that these are to be cropped and cut up in future lessons for use as journal covers or other mixed media creations.

I also started Lesson 2 with Traci, which involves painting big shapes with watercolor paint, then adding stamps.  When this is all dry, I will write all over it with transparent ink colors- probably my Tsukineko inks.

I highly recommend color therapy for a dismal winter afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. nice work! i'm taking that class too, and the boys have joined me - we're having a blast. we're still midway through lesson one.
