Friday, November 4, 2011

Landscape Quilt with Cassatt Palette

 In my last post, I described the lesson of choosing fabrics in the palette of a famous painting.  Here is the art quilt top that I made yesterday to continue Lesson One in my latest online class with quilt artist Pamela Allen.

To utilize the dark rich palette of the Cassatt portrait, I attempted to create a mountain barn in the late afternoon when the last rays of the sun were striking the leaves on the trees and goldenrods near the barn.  I plan to quilt in the boards of the barn and more trunks and foliage.

If you read my blog frequently, you may notice that the barn scene resembles one we pass regularly on our Gator rides across the mountain. 

It is fun to create art that has personal meaning!   I am looking forward to stitching this piece and finding a place for it in our tiny mountain cabin. 

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