Saturday, October 22, 2011

Annual Pig-Picking

Today is our annual fall pig-picking for some of Charlie's business clients.  We used to have this at our house, which meant having the yard and house perfect.  By the time the guests arrived, I was usually pooped!  It was even worse for Charlie, who had to rise at dawn and start cooking the pig.  One year, my daughter-in-law Emily and her friend Aimee helped me hang quilts on the back deck.  The main purpose was to hide the lawn mower and other equipment under the deck, but the guests enjoyed the outdoor quilt show.  Move over, Sisters, Oregon!

A couple of years ago we got smarter and started having the event at North Ridge Country Club in Raleigh.  The first time, Charlie still cooked the pig, but the chef helped him and learned how to do it.  The next time, we only had to bring our pig cooker.  This time, we told them to rent a pig cooker!  So all  we had to do was make the sauce.  Last night we had a sauce-making party, so even that was fun.

Later today my brother John, my sister Katy, and my dad are joining us for the party.  There is a rumor that Katy's husband Kenny may even join us.  He is the inventor of The Secret Sauce recipe.  He does not like to travel except to go to the mountains, so we'll see. There will be some professional blue-grass musicians on hand to entertain this year, so it should be lots of fun.

My only task is to make some floral centerpieces.  I usually  just buy some mums or pansies and wrap them with a colorful paper napkin and some raffia.  Better get busy!  It is sunny and cool and should be a perfect fall day.

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