Sunday, June 19, 2011

Changing of the Guard

All the McBrayers have gone home from the beach except for my son Bryson, his friend Melissa, and me.  All of Charlie's brothers as well as his sister and their families were here last week.

Instead of going home Saturday as usual, we have rented another cottage until next Saturday.

After a nice Father's Day brunch in Calabash, Charlie, Dave, Emily, and my granddog Roo had to leave to go back to work.  Well, not Roo!  Melissa and Bryson are working in Myrtle Beach tomorrow, so they got to stay over another day with Mama!

We spent several nice hours on the beach, but a storm came up and we had to make a quick exit.

The new cottage is on the ocean, so we got a great view of lightning hitting the water for several hours this afternoon.

It got nice and cool, and I think the storms have passed.  Time to fire up the blender and make the margaritas for Bryson and Melissa's last night!

My brother Chris's family has arrived, and they have three cottages on the back bay.  I am very hopeful that my sister will be bringing my father down to stay with me tomorrow, and my brother John should be here on Tuesday.  Charlie will be back on Thursday.  Love both my families!

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