Monday, April 25, 2011

Mountain Weekend

We headed to our mountain place on Friday to assess the damage from the seven inches of torrential rain last weekend.  The bridge over the creek was still there, although there were some large holes where the dirt and gravel had washed out.  The earthen dam for the pond held on for dear life.

You can see there was severe erosion.  First some large rocks were placed along the edge of the water.

My brother-in-law's uncle had his bulldozer across the street, and spent many hours bringing in more dirt to shore up the dam.

Now the whole area is actually nicer, with a wider dam and more space beside the pond.

There was a change in the creek due to all the water.  This is where the formerly narrow run-off creek enters Peak Creek.  That tree used to be on the bank.

It is getting real pretty up there in Ashe County.  Lots of wildflowers and ferns are coming back.

The dogwoods are blooming in the woods.

I still have lots of daffodils blooming along our driveway and on the hill above the pond.

I checked our bluebird box, and discovered Mama Bluebird sitting on five eggs.

I filled and hung my hummingbird feeders to see if there might be any early arriving hummers.  It took about forty-five seconds for the first hummingbird to arrive!  They were probably wondering what took me so long.

Our oldest nephew, Donnie, came up for the day on Saturday with his family and his two basset hounds, Dixie and Rooster.  They apparently were banished to the dog pen.

I came across two swallowtail butterflies in the process of making little butterflies.

We had some pretty rides around the countryside...

...and a sunset Gator ride to the top.

Kasey totally loves the freedom of running over the hills and galumphing through the creek.

We're going back in a few days for the Merlefest music festival in North Wilkesboro.  We are ready!


  1. Beautiful! What is the red tree in the bottom picture - new leaves or blossoms? Glad you didn't have much damage. Del

  2. Wow, that's a lot of erosion! But it's still absolutely beautiful!
