Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March Sketchbook Challenge-"Spilling Over"

The theme for this month's Sketchbook Challenge is "Spilling Over."  Here is my journal page.

With our early spring, the blossoms and leaves are going crazy, the bluebirds are investigating the birdhouses, and it was easy to create a page for the theme.

This is watercolor paper with collaged tissue paper, flowers from an old quilting calendar, my colored pencil sketch of the bluebird, and other hidden elements in layers.  The big orange daffodil center is a seal from a wine bottle.  I have gessoed over some of the collage, and then added colored pencil.

I also figured out that my two previous entries for January and February were only on my own Flickr page, not the group challenge page.  So I added all three at one time today.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to finish reading your post about your sketchbook page that I started reading on Quilter Blogs. I have to say that the background of your blog made it too hard for me to read the end once I clicked over to your blog.
    Nice job on the page though!
