Jeff, Anna, Chris, and Dad |
Dad, John, Jeff and Barney the Dog |
Patti and Anna |
Unfortunately, the weather was horrible the whole time. It was foggy, rainy, cold, and even snowed a little. It takes a little longer for spring to reach the High Country of the North Carolina mountains.
I brought my watercolor paintings to show my father. He is a retired commercial and fine artist. He was happy that I am exhibiting some interest in art. We went to Cheap Joe's and viewed the art gallery there in the store. Dad bought me a copy of Jeanne Dobie's book, Making Color Sing. My father is doing better after his recent hospitalization, but not back to full strength yet. I was glad he felt well enough to go out and do some visiting.
I hated to leave, but my husband left for a business trip to Washington, DC yesterday, and I had to get home to my Kasey. While I was at John's, I enjoyed visiting with his 13-year old dog, Barney. He has gotten very mellow in his senior years.
On the way home, I stopped in Lewisville at Sewingly Yours. I had been there when the Carolina Longarm Association had its quilt show near there last fall.
I have signed up for an online class through Quilt University on making a highly embellished quilted jacket. I bought the Whisper Creek jacket pattern and some blue-green fabric printed with a gradient of light to dark. I am already behind in this class and still have not finished Lesson Three from the last one with Pamela Allen.
This weekend my son and grandkids are coming up from South Carolina. My husband's birthday is Saturday. I have a lot to do! The weather should be very nice here, and I haven't seen my grandkids since Christmas. We are also dogsitting for Roo this weekend, so there will be a full house.
I do so enjoy seeing other people's families together - what a grand event. A great tree picture - I'm so excited to be going to see trees at Asilomar in Pacific Grove. And again in the mountains of Colorado. Maybe this will be my year of trees!