Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Icy Weather

This winter has been been very unusual weather-wise for my area of the southeastern US.  It has snowed at least four times, and dumped some ice on us yesterday. Here is the skating rink formerly known as the bottom of my driveway.

At least the sun came out today, and the temperature has soared to 34 degrees, so maybe it will go away.

Now that I have experienced six decades of life, I am trying to be careful not to slip and fall.  That makes it hard when you are trying to walk the dog in the ice.

I try for clumps of grass sticking up so I don't go crashing down.  Here is some lavender in the ice.

Did I pick a great time to bring home a new dog, or what? 

I have been putting the finishing touches on my Sketchbook project.  It needs to be postmarked by January 15.  I probably won't participate in this again, because it is a lot of work, and I'll never see this journal again.  But I have had fun trying lots of techniques and surrounding myself with colorful pages.  I hope it will be finished and dry enough so that the pages don't stick together when I mail it.

1 comment:

  1. wow, you do have ice....we have all snow...they called today and canceled school for tomorrow and Friday...uggghhh
