Monday, October 11, 2010

Maggy Quilt Gets a Paint Job

After showing my art quilt, Maggy Trees a Coon at my two bees and at the Carolina Longarm Quilt Show, I decided to revise it a bit.  The quilt had lots of freehand outline quilting in the negative spaces to represent trees and foliage, but the stitching really did not show up well unless examined up close.

Out came the Tsukineko inks, Fantastiks applicators, and Fabrico markers.  I tinted many of the quilted motifs and then heat-set with an iron.

Before painting

After painting

It is always kind of scary to take a finished quilt and start applying paint.  What if you mess up?  I wiped the applicators off on scrap muslin until they were fairly dry before touching them to the quilt.  No blobs, seepage, or errors occured.

After painting
 All the little branches and twigs were traced and filled in.

I hope the use of lighter colors for some of the trees gives an illusion of depth, which I think was lacking before.

Before painting

After painting

Painted tree trunks, branches, and foliage

Now Maggy is on another excursion.  I dropped her off at the North Carolina State Fair in Raleigh.  The Fair starts Thursday and will last ten days. Maybe I will go visit her there before it ends!

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