Friday, September 17, 2010

Carolina Longarm Quilt Show-Part 1

Lots of great eye candy to show you over the next several posts!  I am home tonight after spending two days helping out at the Carolina Longarm Association quilt show in Clemmons, NC.  It will still be going on tomorrow, September 18.  At the end of the show, the beautiful  quilt pictured above will be raffled off to its new owner.

The show's theme is Romance is in the Air.  Displayed on both sides of the raffle quilt were vintage satin wedding gowns.  One is from 1942 and was custom made for our member Elaine Brower's mother.  It was in beautiful condition, but has only been stored in a cedar chest all these years.

Here is the picture of the bride and groom.

On the right side of the raffle quilt was this wedding gown from 1952.

The setting was lovely.  Surrounding the quilt show were our vendors.  One, Quiltricks, was from my own guild, Capital Quilters of Raleigh.  Karen Comstock is a quilt pattern designer and had a beautiful display.  She also designed the raffle quilt.

One of my favorite booths was Hunters Woodcrafts.  I have seen them at many shows.  They make beautiful glass quilt cabinets and sell other quilt-related furnishings.

Here are some of their quilted teddy bears in chairs.

and quilts on ladders.

I purchased something I have been needing...a wooden ruler holder that hangs on the wall. 

I loved this embroidered patchwork pumpkin

and the other cozy items in this vendor's booth.

I did pretty well on refraining from purchasing too much, mainly because my visit to the eye doctor the other day ran up a huge bill for new eyeglasses.  But I did add to my stash of black and white prints from Sew Together, a fabric, yarn, and Janome shop in Advance, NC.

We had rather wide aisles between the rows of quilts, and it was not overly crowded today.

The handmade, embroidered ribbons were gorgeous

and there was a breath-taking selection of quilts.  I will show the challenge quilt display in this post.

Mine was the first one, right next to the sign.

There were eighteen made from the same or similar fabric and pattern.

Here are the first six

the second six

and the third.

And here are details of some of them.

Kathryn Meranda used variegated thread for some of her quilting.

This one by Gloria Stickney featured our state bird and flower, the cardinal and dogwood.

I loved the hummingbird design in the center of this one

and the blue thread on the daisy quilt really set this one by Sandy Zuker apart.

Even the lobby of the church had eye candy, with an art display on the walls

We finished hanging the show early on Thursday, so I stopped at the Triad Farmers Market near my sister's house.  It looks like they are ready for fall!

I bought some peaches, hoop cheese, jams, and a big pot of mums for my sister and BIL.  When I got back to their house, I visited my nephew's three goats that were borrowed to "clear the garden" in back of their house.  Here are "Darkness" and her baby, "Snowflake." 

I thought this one must be the daddy, but my sister says "Peanut" is also a nanny goat despite the beard.

I will have more quilt pics for you next time...but maybe not until after the grandkids go home on Sunday!


  1. you got some great pictures, i wasn't sure if we could take pictures of the quilts, that was only my 2nd quilt show......loved that raffle quilt

  2. looks like it was a fabulous show! thanks for sharing the pictures.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing these quilt with me. I've loved seeing what other long armers are doing.
