Friday, June 25, 2010

Yellow and Blue

I was wrong when I said yesterday that it would be 101 degrees.  Our home thermometer registered 105!

Here is the quilt I worked on of those die-cut flower quilts made with the Big Shot machine.  This one is a cool and lovely combination of blue, yellow, and white.  Very cool and serene looking!

I only finished one pass, as these take quite awhile to do.  You have to stitch around each of the three circles that make up each floral applique.  I am free-motion stitching leaves, flowers, vines and swirls in the background and borders.

This combination of colors is very pleasing (except that I am having trouble with the thread blending in those prints so well that I can't see where I 've stitched).  I walked around the yard (before 9:00 AM) to see if I had any of those colors in the gardens.

The lavender growing by my garden pond is a good example.

I have at least three blue buddleigh or "butterfly bushes."

Here is a bee working on a white abelia blossom.

And on the other side of the porch steps, the sunflowers are starting to pop out.

Here is a strange place to find a praying mantis...on the ceiling of the front porch.  Hope it eats all the mosquitoes!


  1. We hit 100 degrees in Fredericksburg the other day- it is really far too hot!!!!!
    your quilt is lovely and your stitching is a pure delight!! I love the Blue and yellow color combo- always have! Perhaps it is because it is the colors of the Swedish Flag- my heritage. Blue is a tough one for the garden but when you have it , it is wonderful!!!!! Stay cool!!!

  2. I love the blue & yellow quilt that you are working on. Can you tell me where I might purchase the pattern? Thank you very much.
