Saturday, June 19, 2010

We're Ba-a-a-ck

We left our rented beach cottage on 40th Street, Sunset Beach,  behind this morning.

We will miss being with our kids, grandkids, and grand-dog.  And the other four houses of Turners and McBrayers in the neighborhood.

Both of the grands were so delightful and well-behaved.

It was a wonderful week, very hot but usually with nice breezes.

The one-lane drawbridge to Sunset Bridge caught us on the way home.  It opens on the hour for pleasure craft, that have to wait for the bridge to swing open. We had to wait an additional twenty-one minutes while sailboats and other craft went through and the bridge swung back.  There are usually interesting sites to see in the marsh while we wait. Today there was a guy net-fishing, several interesting birds, and some jet-skiers in the Intracoastal Waterway.

Here is the ramp to the almost-completed new bridge.  It should be in use by this fall.

So this was probably our last passage over the rickety wooden bridge that goes up and down with the tides.

The new one is almost ready.  The charm and slow pace of the drawbridge will be a thing of the past.

On the way home we cross the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC, the setting of the two scary films by the same name.  When I looked at this photo, one of the clouds looked like a giant seagull.

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the May issue of "Our State" magazine? It had an article starting on page 130 about the old bridge. Nice article with good pix. I've never been, but i suppose you would really appreciate the article.
