Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Here is Martha's quilt that I have been working on off and on for several weeks.  It is a large pieced quilt that Martha finally finished for her daughter after many years.  The quilt has intricate piecing of tiny squares and stripes in what I would call Seminole piecing.  The picture shows it on my machine, but Blogger is insisting on rotating the photo for some reason.

In the large center striped area of each block, I used Pam Clarke's Designs With Lines circle stencil to freehand a rose wreath.  Inside the wreath I added additional leaves and a swirl.

In the pieced square area around each block, I quilted what I call "Swirly-cues", or reversing C-curves.  You can see the quilting better from the back.

The pink sashing strips got a curvy leaf vine, using Pam Clarke's Leaf Border stencil.  Martha added some glue-basted butterfly shapes, most likely die-cut from her Big Shot machine, since she used this method on her flower quilts.  I just followed the shape of the butterfly wings inside the edge to fasten these down.  The will have the "shabby chic" look of a frayed edge.

I combined the last pink outer sashing with the floral outer border to stitch a rose and leaf design.  I used another Pam Clarke stencil called Rose Vine, but added some designs to make it work around the butterflies. I could not really see the chalked stencil on the floral fabric anyway, so the flowers are mostly freehand.

You can see it better from the back.

This was a big project that I will be happy to hand back!

In other news, I finally got my car back yesterday!  Sweet Sue looks good as new and runs nice and smooth after getting a whole new back end.  It took over a month, mainly because when the car was disassembled, they kept finding more parts that had either been destroyed in the accident or had to be cut away to access the repairs.  I got calls at least once a week from the company giving updates, and had the rental car, so it was not too bad. 

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