Friday, April 9, 2010

All Quiet on the Wake Forest Front

I took the grandchildren back to their daddy yesterday. It is strangely quiet around here!

The weather turned unseasonably hot while they were here. And the pollen suddenly descended in record amounts, turning everything outside a dusty yellow-green.

On Tuesday, we took a "field trip" to the Science and Nature Museum in Durham, NC. What a great place for kids!  (and grandmothers!) Dinosaur trail, fossil dig, barnyard, wild animal walk, wetlands, butterfly house, pump stations, and a musical station with chimes and all kinds of percussion intruments.  And we did not even visit the indoor exhibits!


  1. When I saw the first picture, I thought that I was lucky to have just rabbits eating my flowers. Whew -- can you imagine trying to raise children with those creatures cruising around?

  2. How fun for you and them! I bet it is quiet at your house now.......
