Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blogiversary Fabric Drawing Winners

When I first posted last week about my three-year blogiversary, it had just snowed, was really cold, and I was longing for some signs of spring.

Here it is, one week later. It was 73 degrees F in Wake Forest yesterday, I caught a few rays on my deck, and this morning there was a bluebird checking out the birdhouse. YES!

Thanks to everyone who visited my blog and left such encouraging comments. I hope you will drop in again!

And now, here are the winners, drawn by Random Number Generator:

  1. Elizabeth
  2. Call Me Crazy
  3. Joanne Lendaro

I will be mailing out their little bundles of spring fabrics as soon as I receive their addresses.



  1. Thank you so much! I am just so excited! You've made my day~ thank you! :-))

  2. Congrats to the winners of such a lovely giveaway :-)

  3. congratulations to the winners, and such a nice thing for you to do.
