Saturday, February 6, 2010

Two Cool Web Things

Snowy again today...but we are not getting the two plus feet of snow that has dumped on parts a little farther north, like the Washington, D.C. area. Perfect afternoon to stay in and sew.

Here is a web application that someone in our guild posted. I think it is a fabulous way to look at the color wheel and all the different types of combinations!

And this is pretty cool...talking text-writer. Type something in the text box, then click "Say It" and she reads what you typed, her eyes look around...and you can change the avatar, add special effects...good way to waste time. You can even create your own personal avatar.
Don't type any bad words, now!
Off to the studio!

1 comment:

  1. this is so great. I'm giving a talk about color in my guild tomorrow and was going to just use an old color wheel. Which would work fine but not be so jazzy.
