Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I finished my holiday decorating yesterday...do you hate me? Charlie got the outside done last weekend, we got the tree decorated while the kids were here...but that left all the Christmas quilts and knick-knacks to make decisions about.

This Santa is floating on a papier-mâché moon from the chandelier in our kitchen dining area. Behind him is a Norfolk Island pine, one of many that has grown from an 8-inch pot to excessive heights from all the light entering the kitchen from windows on three sides. I add little ornaments to its drooping branches.

I like to group similar ornaments. Here are some snow people in my dining room. Oops, I meant to repaint those walls since my touch-up paint does not exactly match! Oh, well!

We have a very small dining room with a round lazy-Susan table that Charlie's father commissioned for his family from a mountain woodworker. Many meals were enjoyed here with his large family. We don't sit in there very often, partly because those ladder-back chairs are not very comfortable. But I like the look of the old wood. These angels are riding around on the lazy Susan...

while other angels are flying above them and shining in the light.

When I was little, my mother made a felt Christmas tree wall hanging from three shades of green felt trimmed with rickrack. She sewed toys and trinkets to it. I loved this as a child, but it was looking very sad a few years ago when we moved my father from his big house to a retirement community. The felt fabrics had all faded to a sort of khaki brown. Then, I found this triangle-shaped patchwork tree at the Ashe County quilt show, and used the decorations from my mother's tree to "trim" it. Now my grandchildren love to look at it. I hang it low on the wall in our entrance foyer.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are all ready for Christmas! It was fun reading about the decorations and how you placed them around the house. Beautiful!
