Friday, November 6, 2009

Greenway Walk...and Vicki's Prize Package

Yesterday was another simply gorgeous day here in the North Carolina piedmont. I went for a two-hour walk, exploring more of the new roads in the Heritage neighborhood across Rogers Road. It was 42 degrees F when I left, and 72 when I got back! I was surprised to find that I could walk to a greenway system that begins in Wake Forest and ends in Rolesville.

The Wake Forest section is all made from a ten-foot wide wooden walkway with rails. It curves and meanders through a wooded wetland.

How wonderful that all this open space has been preserved! A short foot-trail off the boardwalk leads to this lovely rocky cascade.

In Rolesville, the path becomes pavement. I followed it as far as this new amphitheater that backs up to the woods.

I could just see a blue-grass band playing on this lovely wooden stage, with woodland birds and animals scampering behind them.

I have not had any more close encounters with lust-crazed white-tail deer, but there were lots of turtles sunning themselves on logs in the creeks and little pools of water in the woods. This one is only about two inches long.

Finally I left the woods and walked home, to find a wonderful surprise: the package from Vicki Welsh with my prize from the October Postcard Challenge on her blog, Field Trips in Fiber. It was wrapped in hand-dyed cheesecloth and the pine needle sun-print fabric.

What fun to unwrap the package and fondle the hand-dyed and hand-painted fabric,
the colorful hanks of dyed cheesecloth,the delightful vintage button collection,

and packages of fibers! I had to start playing right away. Here is Vicki's painted card with some fiber I draped around the border.

and my cheesecloth-draped chandelier!

Thank you so much, Vicki. You know I am going to have fun with all my new pretties!


  1. I'm so glad you are enjoying all the "stuff"! The card, by the way, was made by Sue Bleiweiss. I have several cards she has made and I really love them!

  2. we have a greenway system like that here in wilkes county, it's so nice, it goes from one end of Wilkesboro to the other end of North wilkesbor.
